I ask you...
Have you ever been haunted by an ineffable unrest in the evening, when the shadows lengthen and you see around you visions of alternative worlds? Worlds that might have been had you chosen differently, or had the eyes to see. Do you ever fear that you are blind and you do not even know the particular variety of blindness that affects you, so that you will go through your life not having known what you have missed, oblivious to whole universes that are just a touch away? Have you heard the exquisite lament of worlds that have gone to dust because you failed to look up; worlds that live and die in glances and whispers; worlds that are made and unmade by the dust that rises when the wind blows; the world of rhythm and purpose beyond your own making, intersecting and mingling with your own interpretation of reality, the connections waxing and waning, like the phases of the moon, in rhyme with the beating of your heart?
i guess being blind, i'd never realise that i was blind. but yes at times the fear of missing out on things does surface.
beautiful last line! yes, that does happen.
think of everything that u, we all, might be missing without even knowing abt they exist ... its a strange feeling. like ants in our house ... they go throught their own complicated social, working lives, busy as an ant, and dont even realise probably around them we are all living in that house, living, mating, fighting, eating, getting excited, watching movies, committing suicide, getting raped, saving lives ... and they have no conception of any of it ... they just go on in the endless shifting lines struggling under the huge morsels of food they carry ... we might be like those ants :)
Pinks, I agree...
Acroyali, I had the realization when I saw how different people react so differently to situations and how even marginal choices can have butterfly effects...
Prerona, ants we are certainly, pompous ones at that...but to paraphrase Churchill(?), we are insects all right, but I would rather be a firefly while I am about it...
whenever that happens, i usually play Digger until it goes away
Well, honestly B, I did not have anything so real or important in mind...but yes, you are right...our 'turning away' definitely has consequences for those less fortunate..but I am afraid my approach to the problem is similar to Samit's...
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